I turned on my computer and found a lovely (?) e-mail from Ann. Who is Ann I wonder. Well, read the e-mail and find out you fool!
Anywhoo...Turns out, this virtual person claiming the name of Ann is actually someone I keep virtually running into by the name of Anysia. That's right...I figured it out. I'm a regular Spy Master. Now Anysia (a.k.a. Ann...yea...right) has decided to "TAG" me. Seems this "TAG" is a lot like the good old-fashioned chain letters that the mean kids used to start in long-ago-times to scare the be-jessez out of the sweet innocent kids, who simply wanted not to die!
Now, as I understand it, no one will die from not continuing this "TAG" . That's what they say. But, they can't be trusted.
The evidence:
Exhibit A: Anysia, of Booklorn (umm hmm, I know all your little hiding places) sent this to me under the cover of an alias (Ann. HA! Don't make me laugh!)
Exhibit B (or should I say "W"): Wendi.
Let me elaborate:
Before I realized the true evil that lies beneath, I thought, "Oh! I'll (innocently) invite my friend Cathy!" OK. So Cathy doesn't know she's my friend. Big deal! She was the first person to ever comment on my blog (NoBSBookReviews) and she is the only person who cared, last week, whether or not I had clean underwear. If you had read all my postings you would know what I'm talking (typing) about!
But I was foiled!!! By whom, you ask (if you think in proper English)? AH-HA. WENDI!!! She stole my friend!!!
This dastardly duo has set me up for failure. But they will not win. THEY'LL NEVER DEFEAT ME!!!
So, here we go. I'm going to play along as if I have not a care in the world...
7 Bookish Things About ME:
1. I was sent to the principals office in Jr. High School for reading "The Girls of Huntington House".
2. I was so annoyed by #1 that I did an oral report on the book for English class when I finished it.
3. I've only read one romance novel. Oddly, it's also the only romance novel my dad has ever read.
4. I have walked into 6 completely bookless retail bookstores and worked like a dog for 12+ hours a day, 3 weeks at a time, helping to put every book on the shelves.
5. I left a decent paying job at the age of 33 to take a crappy paying job in a bookstore because I liked it better. (still do)
6. I was once an assistant manager at 3 different chain bookstore locations at the same time.
7. Right now, I have so many books in my apartment I can hardly find the floor. The last time I brought books home, I had to put them on the vanity in the bathroom for a week until I got rid of some on a trading site which I started using thinking it would help me to get rid of some books but instead I just keep accumulating more and more and more...breeeathe...
Now, I am obligated to inflict this terrible ordeal upon 7 more, unsuspecting victims. Please, just remember, I, too, am a victim of this despicable scheme.
Have mercy on all of our souls!
1. Was supposed to be Cathy!!!
So, in no particular order, except #7
1. Smiling Sal from Florida at Smiling Sally
2. RoseAnn from Texas (I, think) at The Social Frog
3. Mango (I don't know what her name is. OK, so I'm not a Spy Master) from Boston at Mango Missives
4. Teena from Toronto at It's All About Me (I LOVE that!)
5. Lynda from North Wales at Lynda's Book Blog
6. Gautami Tripathy from India at Reading Room
and, finally, this is a travel blog but I know she loves books and, frankly, she made me cry today
7. Gretchen traveling somewhere in the USA at Gretchen's Travels
And now, a plug for Wendi's Book Corner. Why, you ask? Well, because I stole, yes, stole, as in "copied and pasted" the next 6 lines from her blog. That's right...I did it, I meant it, I'm here to represent it! You steal my friends, I steal your typing skills. HA! Right down to the double spacing. Oh yeah!
Now - for your instructions:
1. Link to the person who tagged you, and post the rules on your blog
2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs
4. Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog!
Tag - You're It!!
One more thing:
Because, I don't believe in holding a grudge (I'm nice like that) one more plug for Anysia. This time for Here Be (Book) Reviews. A collection of book review blogs. Join if you have one. Find some great ones to read whether you do or not (have one, that is).
Good Luck Everybody.
I turned on my computer and found a lovely (?) e-mail from Ann. Who is Ann I wonder. Well, read the e-mail and find out you fool!
Anywhoo...Turns out, this virtual person claiming the name of Ann is actually someone I keep virtually running into by the name of Anysia. That's right...I figured it out. I'm a regular Spy Master. Now Anysia (a.k.a. Ann...yea...right) has decided to "TAG" me. Seems this "TAG" is a lot like the good old-fashioned chain letters that the mean kids used to start in long-ago-times to scare the be-jessez out of the sweet innocent kids, who simply wanted not to die!
Now, as I understand it, no one will die from not continuing this "TAG" . That's what they say. But, they can't be trusted.
The evidence:
Exhibit A: Anysia, of Booklorn (umm hmm, I know all your little hiding places) sent this to me under the cover of an alias (Ann. HA! Don't make me laugh!)
Exhibit B (or should I say "W"): Wendi.
Let me elaborate:
Before I realized the true evil that lies beneath, I thought, "Oh! I'll (innocently) invite my friend Cathy!" OK. So Cathy doesn't know she's my friend. Big deal! She was the first person to ever comment on my blog (NoBSBookReviews) and she is the only person who cared, last week, whether or not I had clean underwear. If you had read all my postings you would know what I'm talking (typing) about!
But I was foiled!!! By whom, you ask (if you think in proper English)? AH-HA. WENDI!!! She stole my friend!!!
This dastardly duo has set me up for failure. But they will not win. THEY'LL NEVER DEFEAT ME!!!
So, here we go. I'm going to play along as if I have not a care in the world...
7 Bookish Things About ME:
1. I was sent to the principals office in Jr. High School for reading "The Girls of Huntington House".
2. I was so annoyed by #1 that I did an oral report on the book for English class when I finished it.
3. I've only read one romance novel. Oddly, it's also the only romance novel my dad has ever read.
4. I have walked into 6 completely bookless retail bookstores and worked like a dog for 12+ hours a day, 3 weeks at a time, helping to put every book on the shelves.
5. I left a decent paying job at the age of 33 to take a crappy paying job in a bookstore because I liked it better. (still do)
6. I was once an assistant manager at 3 different chain bookstore locations at the same time.
7. Right now, I have so many books in my apartment I can hardly find the floor. The last time I brought books home, I had to put them on the vanity in the bathroom for a week until I got rid of some on a trading site which I started using thinking it would help me to get rid of some books but instead I just keep accumulating more and more and more...breeeathe...
Now, I am obligated to inflict this terrible ordeal upon 7 more, unsuspecting victims. Please, just remember, I, too, am a victim of this despicable scheme.
Have mercy on all of our souls!
1. Was supposed to be Cathy!!!
So, in no particular order, except #7
1. Smiling Sal from Florida at Smiling Sally
2. RoseAnn from Texas (I, think) at The Social Frog
3. Mango (I don't know what her name is. OK, so I'm not a Spy Master) from Boston at Mango Missives
4. Teena from Toronto at It's All About Me (I LOVE that!)
5. Lynda from North Wales at Lynda's Book Blog
6. Gautami Tripathy from India at Reading Room
and, finally, this is a travel blog but I know she loves books and, frankly, she made me cry today
7. Gretchen traveling somewhere in the USA at Gretchen's Travels
And now, a plug for Wendi's Book Corner. Why, you ask? Well, because I stole, yes, stole, as in "copied and pasted" the next 6 lines from her blog. That's right...I did it, I meant it, I'm here to represent it! You steal my friends, I steal your typing skills. HA! Right down to the double spacing. Oh yeah!
Now - for your instructions:
1. Link to the person who tagged you, and post the rules on your blog
2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs
4. Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog!
Tag - You're It!!
One more thing:
Because, I don't believe in holding a grudge (I'm nice like that) one more plug for Anysia. This time for Here Be (Book) Reviews. A collection of book review blogs. Join if you have one. Find some great ones to read whether you do or not (have one, that is).
Good Luck Everybody.
I turned on my computer and found a lovely (?) e-mail from Ann. Who is Ann I wonder. Well, read the e-mail and find out you fool!
Anywhoo...Turns out, this virtual person claiming the name of Ann is actually someone I keep virtually running into by the name of Anysia. That's right...I figured it out. I'm a regular Spy Master. Now Anysia (a.k.a. Ann...yea...right) has decided to "TAG" me. Seems this "TAG" is a lot like the good old-fashioned chain letters that the mean kids used to start in long-ago-times to scare the be-jessez out of the sweet innocent kids, who simply wanted not to die!
Now, as I understand it, no one will die from not continuing this "TAG" . That's what they say. But, they can't be trusted.
The evidence:
Exhibit A: Anysia, of Booklorn (umm hmm, I know all your little hiding places) sent this to me under the cover of an alias (Ann. HA! Don't make me laugh!)
Exhibit B (or should I say "W"): Wendi.
Let me elaborate:
Before I realized the true evil that lies beneath, I thought, "Oh! I'll (innocently) invite my friend Cathy!" OK. So Cathy doesn't know she's my friend. Big deal! She was the first person to ever comment on my blog (NoBSBookReviews) and she is the only person who cared, last week, whether or not I had clean underwear. If you had read all my postings you would know what I'm talking (typing) about!
But I was foiled!!! By whom, you ask (if you think in proper English)? AH-HA. WENDI!!! She stole my friend!!!
This dastardly duo has set me up for failure. But they will not win. THEY'LL NEVER DEFEAT ME!!!
So, here we go. I'm going to play along as if I have not a care in the world...
7 Bookish Things About ME:
1. I was sent to the principals office in Jr. High School for reading "The Girls of Huntington House".
2. I was so annoyed by #1 that I did an oral report on the book for English class when I finished it.
3. I've only read one romance novel. Oddly, it's also the only romance novel my dad has ever read.
4. I have walked into 6 completely bookless retail bookstores and worked like a dog for 12+ hours a day, 3 weeks at a time, helping to put every book on the shelves.
5. I left a decent paying job at the age of 33 to take a crappy paying job in a bookstore because I liked it better. (still do)
6. I was once an assistant manager at 3 different chain bookstore locations at the same time.
7. Right now, I have so many books in my apartment I can hardly find the floor. The last time I brought books home, I had to put them on the vanity in the bathroom for a week until I got rid of some on a trading site which I started using thinking it would help me to get rid of some books but instead I just keep accumulating more and more and more...breeeathe...
Now, I am obligated to inflict this terrible ordeal upon 7 more, unsuspecting victims. Please, just remember, I, too, am a victim of this despicable scheme.
Have mercy on all of our souls!
1. Was supposed to be Cathy!!!
So, in no particular order, except #7
1. Smiling Sal from Florida at Smiling Sally
2. RoseAnn from Texas (I, think) at The Social Frog
3. Mango (I don't know what her name is. OK, so I'm not a Spy Master) from Boston at Mango Missives
4. Teena from Toronto at It's All About Me (I LOVE that!)
5. Lynda from North Wales at Lynda's Book Blog
6. Gautami Tripathy from India at Reading Room
and, finally, this is a travel blog but I know she loves books and, frankly, she made me cry today
7. Gretchen traveling somewhere in the USA at Gretchen's Travels
And now, a plug for Wendi's Book Corner. Why, you ask? Well, because I stole, yes, stole, as in "copied and pasted" the next 6 lines from her blog. That's right...I did it, I meant it, I'm here to represent it! You steal my friends, I steal your typing skills. HA! Right down to the double spacing. Oh yeah!
Now - for your instructions:
1. Link to the person who tagged you, and post the rules on your blog
2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs
4. Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog!
Tag - You're It!!
One more thing:
Because, I don't believe in holding a grudge (I'm nice like that) one more plug for Anysia. This time for Here Be (Book) Reviews. A collection of book review blogs. Join if you have one. Find some great ones to read whether you do or not (have one, that is).
Good Luck Everybody.
I turned on my computer and found a lovely (?) e-mail from Ann. Who is Ann I wonder. Well, read the e-mail and find out you fool!
Anywhoo...Turns out, this virtual person claiming the name of Ann is actually someone I keep virtually running into by the name of Anysia. That's right...I figured it out. I'm a regular Spy Master. Now Anysia (a.k.a. Ann...yea...right) has decided to "TAG" me. Seems this "TAG" is a lot like the good old-fashioned chain letters that the mean kids used to start in long-ago-times to scare the be-jessez out of the sweet innocent kids, who simply wanted not to die!
Now, as I understand it, no one will die from not continuing this "TAG" . That's what they say. But, they can't be trusted.
The evidence:
Exhibit A: Anysia, of Booklorn (umm hmm, I know all your little hiding places) sent this to me under the cover of an alias (Ann. HA! Don't make me laugh!)
Exhibit B (or should I say "W"): Wendi.
Let me elaborate:
Before I realized the true evil that lies beneath, I thought, "Oh! I'll (innocently) invite my friend Cathy!" OK. So Cathy doesn't know she's my friend. Big deal! She was the first person to ever comment on my blog (NoBSBookReviews) and she is the only person who cared, last week, whether or not I had clean underwear. If you had read all my postings you would know what I'm talking (typing) about!
But I was foiled!!! By whom, you ask (if you think in proper English)? AH-HA. WENDI!!! She stole my friend!!!
This dastardly duo has set me up for failure. But they will not win. THEY'LL NEVER DEFEAT ME!!!
So, here we go. I'm going to play along as if I have not a care in the world...
7 Bookish Things About ME:
1. I was sent to the principals office in Jr. High School for reading "The Girls of Huntington House".
2. I was so annoyed by #1 that I did an oral report on the book for English class when I finished it.
3. I've only read one romance novel. Oddly, it's also the only romance novel my dad has ever read.
4. I have walked into 6 completely bookless retail bookstores and worked like a dog for 12+ hours a day, 3 weeks at a time, helping to put every book on the shelves.
5. I left a decent paying job at the age of 33 to take a crappy paying job in a bookstore because I liked it better. (still do)
6. I was once an assistant manager at 3 different chain bookstore locations at the same time.
7. Right now, I have so many books in my apartment I can hardly find the floor. The last time I brought books home, I had to put them on the vanity in the bathroom for a week until I got rid of some on a trading site which I started using thinking it would help me to get rid of some books but instead I just keep accumulating more and more and more...breeeathe...
Now, I am obligated to inflict this terrible ordeal upon 7 more, unsuspecting victims. Please, just remember, I, too, am a victim of this despicable scheme.
Have mercy on all of our souls!
1. Was supposed to be Cathy!!!
So, in no particular order, except #7
1. Smiling Sal from Florida at Smiling Sally
2. RoseAnn from Texas (I, think) at The Social Frog
3. Mango (I don't know what her name is. OK, so I'm not a Spy Master) from Boston at Mango Missives
4. Teena from Toronto at It's All About Me (I LOVE that!)
5. Lynda from North Wales at Lynda's Book Blog
6. Gautami Tripathy from India at Reading Room
and, finally, this is a travel blog but I know she loves books and, frankly, she made me cry today
7. Gretchen traveling somewhere in the USA at Gretchen's Travels
And now, a plug for Wendi's Book Corner. Why, you ask? Well, because I stole, yes, stole, as in "copied and pasted" the next 6 lines from her blog. That's right...I did it, I meant it, I'm here to represent it! You steal my friends, I steal your typing skills. HA! Right down to the double spacing. Oh yeah!
Now - for your instructions:
1. Link to the person who tagged you, and post the rules on your blog
2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs
4. Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog!
Tag - You're It!!
One more thing:
Because, I don't believe in holding a grudge (I'm nice like that) one more plug for Anysia. This time for Here Be (Book) Reviews. A collection of book review blogs. Join if you have one. Find some great ones to read whether you do or not (have one, that is).
Good Luck Everybody.
I turned on my computer and found a lovely (?) e-mail from Ann. Who is Ann I wonder. Well, read the e-mail and find out you fool!
Anywhoo...Turns out, this virtual person claiming the name of Ann is actually someone I keep virtually running into by the name of Anysia. That's right...I figured it out. I'm a regular Spy Master. Now Anysia (a.k.a. Ann...yea...right) has decided to "TAG" me. Seems this "TAG" is a lot like the good old-fashioned chain letters that the mean kids used to start in long-ago-times to scare the be-jessez out of the sweet innocent kids, who simply wanted not to die!
Now, as I understand it, no one will die from not continuing this "TAG" . That's what they say. But, they can't be trusted.
The evidence:
Exhibit A: Anysia, of Booklorn (umm hmm, I know all your little hiding places) sent this to me under the cover of an alias (Ann. HA! Don't make me laugh!)
Exhibit B (or should I say "W"): Wendi.
Let me elaborate:
Before I realized the true evil that lies beneath, I thought, "Oh! I'll (innocently) invite my friend Cathy!" OK. So Cathy doesn't know she's my friend. Big deal! She was the first person to ever comment on my blog (NoBSBookReviews) and she is the only person who cared, last week, whether or not I had clean underwear. If you had read all my postings you would know what I'm talking (typing) about!
But I was foiled!!! By whom, you ask (if you think in proper English)? AH-HA. WENDI!!! She stole my friend!!!
This dastardly duo has set me up for failure. But they will not win. THEY'LL NEVER DEFEAT ME!!!
So, here we go. I'm going to play along as if I have not a care in the world...
7 Bookish Things About ME:
1. I was sent to the principals office in Jr. High School for reading "The Girls of Huntington House".
2. I was so annoyed by #1 that I did an oral report on the book for English class when I finished it.
3. I've only read one romance novel. Oddly, it's also the only romance novel my dad has ever read.
4. I have walked into 6 completely bookless retail bookstores and worked like a dog for 12+ hours a day, 3 weeks at a time, helping to put every book on the shelves.
5. I left a decent paying job at the age of 33 to take a crappy paying job in a bookstore because I liked it better. (still do)
6. I was once an assistant manager at 3 different chain bookstore locations at the same time.
7. Right now, I have so many books in my apartment I can hardly find the floor. The last time I brought books home, I had to put them on the vanity in the bathroom for a week until I got rid of some on a trading site which I started using thinking it would help me to get rid of some books but instead I just keep accumulating more and more and more...breeeathe...
Now, I am obligated to inflict this terrible ordeal upon 7 more, unsuspecting victims. Please, just remember, I, too, am a victim of this despicable scheme.
Have mercy on all of our souls!
1. Was supposed to be Cathy!!!
So, in no particular order, except #7
1. Smiling Sal from Florida at Smiling Sally
2. RoseAnn from Texas (I, think) at The Social Frog
3. Mango (I don't know what her name is. OK, so I'm not a Spy Master) from Boston at Mango Missives
4. Teena from Toronto at It's All About Me (I LOVE that!)
5. Lynda from North Wales at Lynda's Book Blog
6. Gautami Tripathy from India at Reading Room
and, finally, this is a travel blog but I know she loves books and, frankly, she made me cry today
7. Gretchen traveling somewhere in the USA at Gretchen's Travels
And now, a plug for Wendi's Book Corner. Why, you ask? Well, because I stole, yes, stole, as in "copied and pasted" the next 6 lines from her blog. That's right...I did it, I meant it, I'm here to represent it! You steal my friends, I steal your typing skills. HA! Right down to the double spacing. Oh yeah!
Now - for your instructions:
1. Link to the person who tagged you, and post the rules on your blog
2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs
4. Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog!
Tag - You're It!!
One more thing:
Because, I don't believe in holding a grudge (I'm nice like that) one more plug for Anysia. This time for Here Be (Book) Reviews. A collection of book review blogs. Join if you have one. Find some great ones to read whether you do or not (have one, that is).
Good Luck Everybody.
I turned on my computer and found a lovely (?) e-mail from Ann. Who is Ann I wonder. Well, read the e-mail and find out you fool!
Anywhoo...Turns out, this virtual person claiming the name of Ann is actually someone I keep virtually running into by the name of Anysia. That's right...I figured it out. I'm a regular Spy Master. Now Anysia (a.k.a. Ann...yea...right) has decided to "TAG" me. Seems this "TAG" is a lot like the good old-fashioned chain letters that the mean kids used to start in long-ago-times to scare the be-jessez out of the sweet innocent kids, who simply wanted not to die!
Now, as I understand it, no one will die from not continuing this "TAG" . That's what they say. But, they can't be trusted.
The evidence:
Exhibit A: Anysia, of Booklorn (umm hmm, I know all your little hiding places) sent this to me under the cover of an alias (Ann. HA! Don't make me laugh!)
Exhibit B (or should I say "W"): Wendi.
Let me elaborate:
Before I realized the true evil that lies beneath, I thought, "Oh! I'll (innocently) invite my friend Cathy!" OK. So Cathy doesn't know she's my friend. Big deal! She was the first person to ever comment on my blog (NoBSBookReviews) and she is the only person who cared, last week, whether or not I had clean underwear. If you had read all my postings you would know what I'm talking (typing) about!
But I was foiled!!! By whom, you ask (if you think in proper English)? AH-HA. WENDI!!! She stole my friend!!!
This dastardly duo has set me up for failure. But they will not win. THEY'LL NEVER DEFEAT ME!!!
So, here we go. I'm going to play along as if I have not a care in the world...
7 Bookish Things About ME:
1. I was sent to the principals office in Jr. High School for reading "The Girls of Huntington House".
2. I was so annoyed by #1 that I did an oral report on the book for English class when I finished it.
3. I've only read one romance novel. Oddly, it's also the only romance novel my dad has ever read.
4. I have walked into 6 completely bookless retail bookstores and worked like a dog for 12+ hours a day, 3 weeks at a time, helping to put every book on the shelves.
5. I left a decent paying job at the age of 33 to take a crappy paying job in a bookstore because I liked it better. (still do)
6. I was once an assistant manager at 3 different chain bookstore locations at the same time.
7. Right now, I have so many books in my apartment I can hardly find the floor. The last time I brought books home, I had to put them on the vanity in the bathroom for a week until I got rid of some on a trading site which I started using thinking it would help me to get rid of some books but instead I just keep accumulating more and more and more...breeeathe...
Now, I am obligated to inflict this terrible ordeal upon 7 more, unsuspecting victims. Please, just remember, I, too, am a victim of this despicable scheme.
Have mercy on all of our souls!
1. Was supposed to be Cathy!!!
So, in no particular order, except #7
1. Smiling Sal from Florida at Smiling Sally
2. RoseAnn from Texas (I, think) at The Social Frog
3. Mango (I don't know what her name is. OK, so I'm not a Spy Master) from Boston at Mango Missives
4. Teena from Toronto at It's All About Me (I LOVE that!)
5. Lynda from North Wales at Lynda's Book Blog
6. Gautami Tripathy from India at Reading Room
and, finally, this is a travel blog but I know she loves books and, frankly, she made me cry today
7. Gretchen traveling somewhere in the USA at Gretchen's Travels
And now, a plug for Wendi's Book Corner. Why, you ask? Well, because I stole, yes, stole, as in "copied and pasted" the next 6 lines from her blog. That's right...I did it, I meant it, I'm here to represent it! You steal my friends, I steal your typing skills. HA! Right down to the double spacing. Oh yeah!
Now - for your instructions:
1. Link to the person who tagged you, and post the rules on your blog
2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs
4. Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog!
Tag - You're It!!
One more thing:
Because, I don't believe in holding a grudge (I'm nice like that) one more plug for Anysia. This time for Here Be (Book) Reviews. A collection of book review blogs. Join if you have one. Find some great ones to read whether you do or not (have one, that is).
Good Luck Everybody.
I turned on my computer and found a lovely (?) e-mail from Ann. Who is Ann I wonder. Well, read the e-mail and find out you fool!
Anywhoo...Turns out, this virtual person claiming the name of Ann is actually someone I keep virtually running into by the name of Anysia. That's right...I figured it out. I'm a regular Spy Master. Now Anysia (a.k.a. Ann...yea...right) has decided to "TAG" me. Seems this "TAG" is a lot like the good old-fashioned chain letters that the mean kids used to start in long-ago-times to scare the be-jessez out of the sweet innocent kids, who simply wanted not to die!
Now, as I understand it, no one will die from not continuing this "TAG" . That's what they say. But, they can't be trusted.
The evidence:
Exhibit A: Anysia, of Booklorn (umm hmm, I know all your little hiding places) sent this to me under the cover of an alias (Ann. HA! Don't make me laugh!)
Exhibit B (or should I say "W"): Wendi.
Let me elaborate:
Before I realized the true evil that lies beneath, I thought, "Oh! I'll (innocently) invite my friend Cathy!" OK. So Cathy doesn't know she's my friend. Big deal! She was the first person to ever comment on my blog (NoBSBookReviews) and she is the only person who cared, last week, whether or not I had clean underwear. If you had read all my postings you would know what I'm talking (typing) about!
But I was foiled!!! By whom, you ask (if you think in proper English)? AH-HA. WENDI!!! She stole my friend!!!
This dastardly duo has set me up for failure. But they will not win. THEY'LL NEVER DEFEAT ME!!!
So, here we go. I'm going to play along as if I have not a care in the world...
7 Bookish Things About ME:
1. I was sent to the principals office in Jr. High School for reading "The Girls of Huntington House".
2. I was so annoyed by #1 that I did an oral report on the book for English class when I finished it.
3. I've only read one romance novel. Oddly, it's also the only romance novel my dad has ever read.
4. I have walked into 6 completely bookless retail bookstores and worked like a dog for 12+ hours a day, 3 weeks at a time, helping to put every book on the shelves.
5. I left a decent paying job at the age of 33 to take a crappy paying job in a bookstore because I liked it better. (still do)
6. I was once an assistant manager at 3 different chain bookstore locations at the same time.
7. Right now, I have so many books in my apartment I can hardly find the floor. The last time I brought books home, I had to put them on the vanity in the bathroom for a week until I got rid of some on a trading site which I started using thinking it would help me to get rid of some books but instead I just keep accumulating more and more and more...breeeathe...
Now, I am obligated to inflict this terrible ordeal upon 7 more, unsuspecting victims. Please, just remember, I, too, am a victim of this despicable scheme.
Have mercy on all of our souls!
1. Was supposed to be Cathy!!!
So, in no particular order, except #7
1. Smiling Sal from Florida at Smiling Sally
2. RoseAnn from Texas (I, think) at The Social Frog
3. Mango (I don't know what her name is. OK, so I'm not a Spy Master) from Boston at Mango Missives
4. Teena from Toronto at It's All About Me (I LOVE that!)
5. Lynda from North Wales at Lynda's Book Blog
6. Gautami Tripathy from India at Reading Room
and, finally, this is a travel blog but I know she loves books and, frankly, she made me cry today
7. Gretchen traveling somewhere in the USA at Gretchen's Travels
And now, a plug for Wendi's Book Corner. Why, you ask? Well, because I stole, yes, stole, as in "copied and pasted" the next 6 lines from her blog. That's right...I did it, I meant it, I'm here to represent it! You steal my friends, I steal your typing skills. HA! Right down to the double spacing. Oh yeah!
Now - for your instructions:
1. Link to the person who tagged you, and post the rules on your blog
2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs
4. Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog!
Tag - You're It!!
One more thing:
Because, I don't believe in holding a grudge (I'm nice like that) one more plug for Anysia. This time for Here Be (Book) Reviews. A collection of book review blogs. Join if you have one. Find some great ones to read whether you do or not (have one, that is).
Good Luck Everybody.
I turned on my computer and found a lovely (?) e-mail from Ann. Who is Ann I wonder. Well, read the e-mail and find out you fool!
Anywhoo...Turns out, this virtual person claiming the name of Ann is actually someone I keep virtually running into by the name of Anysia. That's right...I figured it out. I'm a regular Spy Master. Now Anysia (a.k.a. Ann...yea...right) has decided to "TAG" me. Seems this "TAG" is a lot like the good old-fashioned chain letters that the mean kids used to start in long-ago-times to scare the be-jessez out of the sweet innocent kids, who simply wanted not to die!
Now, as I understand it, no one will die from not continuing this "TAG" . That's what they say. But, they can't be trusted.
The evidence:
Exhibit A: Anysia, of Booklorn (umm hmm, I know all your little hiding places) sent this to me under the cover of an alias (Ann. HA! Don't make me laugh!)
Exhibit B (or should I say "W"): Wendi.
Let me elaborate:
Before I realized the true evil that lies beneath, I thought, "Oh! I'll (innocently) invite my friend Cathy!" OK. So Cathy doesn't know she's my friend. Big deal! She was the first person to ever comment on my blog (NoBSBookReviews) and she is the only person who cared, last week, whether or not I had clean underwear. If you had read all my postings you would know what I'm talking (typing) about!
But I was foiled!!! By whom, you ask (if you think in proper English)? AH-HA. WENDI!!! She stole my friend!!!
This dastardly duo has set me up for failure. But they will not win. THEY'LL NEVER DEFEAT ME!!!
So, here we go. I'm going to play along as if I have not a care in the world...
7 Bookish Things About ME:
1. I was sent to the principals office in Jr. High School for reading "The Girls of Huntington House".
2. I was so annoyed by #1 that I did an oral report on the book for English class when I finished it.
3. I've only read one romance novel. Oddly, it's also the only romance novel my dad has ever read.
4. I have walked into 6 completely bookless retail bookstores and worked like a dog for 12+ hours a day, 3 weeks at a time, helping to put every book on the shelves.
5. I left a decent paying job at the age of 33 to take a crappy paying job in a bookstore because I liked it better. (still do)
6. I was once an assistant manager at 3 different chain bookstore locations at the same time.
7. Right now, I have so many books in my apartment I can hardly find the floor. The last time I brought books home, I had to put them on the vanity in the bathroom for a week until I got rid of some on a trading site which I started using thinking it would help me to get rid of some books but instead I just keep accumulating more and more and more...breeeathe...
Now, I am obligated to inflict this terrible ordeal upon 7 more, unsuspecting victims. Please, just remember, I, too, am a victim of this despicable scheme.
Have mercy on all of our souls!
1. Was supposed to be Cathy!!!
So, in no particular order, except #7
1. Smiling Sal from Florida at Smiling Sally
2. RoseAnn from Texas (I, think) at The Social Frog
3. Mango (I don't know what her name is. OK, so I'm not a Spy Master) from Boston at Mango Missives
4. Teena from Toronto at It's All About Me (I LOVE that!)
5. Lynda from North Wales at Lynda's Book Blog
6. Gautami Tripathy from India at Reading Room
and, finally, this is a travel blog but I know she loves books and, frankly, she made me cry today
7. Gretchen traveling somewhere in the USA at Gretchen's Travels
And now, a plug for Wendi's Book Corner. Why, you ask? Well, because I stole, yes, stole, as in "copied and pasted" the next 6 lines from her blog. That's right...I did it, I meant it, I'm here to represent it! You steal my friends, I steal your typing skills. HA! Right down to the double spacing. Oh yeah!
Now - for your instructions:
1. Link to the person who tagged you, and post the rules on your blog
2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs
4. Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog!
Tag - You're It!!
One more thing:
Because, I don't believe in holding a grudge (I'm nice like that) one more plug for Anysia. This time for Here Be (Book) Reviews. A collection of book review blogs. Join if you have one. Find some great ones to read whether you do or not (have one, that is).
Good Luck Everybody.
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