Well, my own, of course. Why do you think I answer these questions?
2) How do you feel when someone smiles at you?
Very suspicious! They are clearly either crazy, done something to me that I just don't know about yet or simply don't know me at all.3) If you were allowed to teach any course (real or made-up by you) at any university in the world, where and what would you teach?
How to make the perfect Lemon-Ade on my very own Dog and Kitty Ranch University (staff of one, so no one can tell me what to do). Tuition would consist of cleaning up the ranch. All I need to do, is figure out how to make Lemon-Ade.
4) If you could be buried or have your ashes spread anywhere at all, where would it be?
Please don't bury me...The Worms Crawl In, The Worms Crawl Out...So, I guess it's ashes for me! I think each of my friends and family should take a bit of ashes and sleep with them in a baggy under their pillows each night!
5) Show and Tell. What comes to mind first when you see this picture? Or, tell a story if it reminds you of one.
Yeah...I should really fix that hole in my ceiling...
1) Whose thoughts would you most like to read?
Well, my own, of course. Why do you think I answer these questions?
2) How do you feel when someone smiles at you?
Very suspicious! They are clearly either crazy, done something to me that I just don't know about yet or simply don't know me at all.3) If you were allowed to teach any course (real or made-up by you) at any university in the world, where and what would you teach?
How to make the perfect Lemon-Ade on my very own Dog and Kitty Ranch University (staff of one, so no one can tell me what to do). Tuition would consist of cleaning up the ranch. All I need to do, is figure out how to make Lemon-Ade.
4) If you could be buried or have your ashes spread anywhere at all, where would it be?
Please don't bury me...The Worms Crawl In, The Worms Crawl Out...So, I guess it's ashes for me! I think each of my friends and family should take a bit of ashes and sleep with them in a baggy under their pillows each night!
5) Show and Tell. What comes to mind first when you see this picture? Or, tell a story if it reminds you of one.
Yeah...I should really fix that hole in my ceiling...
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