Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Teaser Tuesdays

These were, then, rational beings; on the moon, that perennial object of earthly wonder, intelligent life had at last been discovered. For some moments the astronomers scarcely breathed, observing the startling scene, but eventually the import of what they had found began to sink in, and what Grant called "our paralyzing astonishment" began to subside, and together they denominated this unexpected new creature Vespertilio-homo, or man-bat.


Kathy W said...

These were, then, rational beings; on the moon, that perennial object of earthly wonder, intelligent life had at last been discovered. For some moments the astronomers scarcely breathed, observing the startling scene, but eventually the import of what they had found began to sink in, and what Grant called "our paralyzing astonishment" began to subside, and together they denominated this unexpected new creature Vespertilio-homo, or man-bat.

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Anonymous said...

These were, then, rational beings; on the moon, that perennial object of earthly wonder, intelligent life had at last been discovered. For some moments the astronomers scarcely breathed, observing the startling scene, but eventually the import of what they had found began to sink in, and what Grant called "our paralyzing astonishment" began to subside, and together they denominated this unexpected new creature Vespertilio-homo, or man-bat.

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me said...

These were, then, rational beings; on the moon, that perennial object of earthly wonder, intelligent life had at last been discovered. For some moments the astronomers scarcely breathed, observing the startling scene, but eventually the import of what they had found began to sink in, and what Grant called "our paralyzing astonishment" began to subside, and together they denominated this unexpected new creature Vespertilio-homo, or man-bat.

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