Thursday, December 25, 2008

Booking Through Thursday: Wintery Books

What I want to know today is … what are the most “wintery” books you can think of? The ones that almost embody Winter?

Well, this is odd...Turns out, the only book that comes to mind, that even comes close to a "wintery" book that I've read is A Creed for the Third Millenium by Colleen McCullough which I read 20+ years ago.

I guess I just don't like cold books!

Time for some introspection...


SmilingSally said...
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Beth F said...

What I want to know today is … what are the most “wintery” books you can think of? The ones that almost embody Winter?

Well, this is odd...Turns out, the only book that comes to mind, that even comes close to a "wintery" book that I've read is A Creed for the Third Millenium by Colleen McCullough which I read 20+ years ago.

I guess I just don't like cold books!

Time for some introspection...

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jlshall said...

What I want to know today is … what are the most “wintery” books you can think of? The ones that almost embody Winter?

Well, this is odd...Turns out, the only book that comes to mind, that even comes close to a "wintery" book that I've read is A Creed for the Third Millenium by Colleen McCullough which I read 20+ years ago.

I guess I just don't like cold books!

Time for some introspection...

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Anonymous said...

What I want to know today is … what are the most “wintery” books you can think of? The ones that almost embody Winter?

Well, this is odd...Turns out, the only book that comes to mind, that even comes close to a "wintery" book that I've read is A Creed for the Third Millenium by Colleen McCullough which I read 20+ years ago.

I guess I just don't like cold books!

Time for some introspection...

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Brooke from The Bluestocking Guide said...

What I want to know today is … what are the most “wintery” books you can think of? The ones that almost embody Winter?

Well, this is odd...Turns out, the only book that comes to mind, that even comes close to a "wintery" book that I've read is A Creed for the Third Millenium by Colleen McCullough which I read 20+ years ago.

I guess I just don't like cold books!

Time for some introspection...

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Sandra said...

What I want to know today is … what are the most “wintery” books you can think of? The ones that almost embody Winter?

Well, this is odd...Turns out, the only book that comes to mind, that even comes close to a "wintery" book that I've read is A Creed for the Third Millenium by Colleen McCullough which I read 20+ years ago.

I guess I just don't like cold books!

Time for some introspection...

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Staci said...

What I want to know today is … what are the most “wintery” books you can think of? The ones that almost embody Winter?

Well, this is odd...Turns out, the only book that comes to mind, that even comes close to a "wintery" book that I've read is A Creed for the Third Millenium by Colleen McCullough which I read 20+ years ago.

I guess I just don't like cold books!

Time for some introspection...

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